"Shibumi" is a novel by Trevanian, the pen name of Rodney William Whitaker, published in 1979. It is set in the 1970s and follows the story of Nicholai Hel, a highly skilled assassin who is drawn into a conflict with the "Mother Company," a conspiracy of energy companies that secretly controls much of the Western world. The novel delves into themes of personal excellence, cultural understanding, and the game of Go, which plays a significant role in the story and its structure.
The novel is known for its complex character development, particularly that of Nicholai Hel, who is depicted as a master of language, culture, and the art of assassination. His journey is not just about the physical challenges he faces but also his intellectual and spiritual growth. The book is heavily influenced by Japanese philosophy, with the concept of "shibumi" – a state of effortless perfection – being central to the narrative.
"Shibumi" has been praised for its deep writing, with themes that are both complex and philosophical, covering a range of Japanese ideas. The story is set in various locations, and its structure is influenced by the game of Go, adding layers to the narrative. While there are elements of action, such as the infamous "killing with a pencil" scene, the novel is more focused on the characters' mental and spiritual development. The sexual content in the book is described as being in moderation and often involves mind games, reflecting the overall theme of subtlety and restraint.
Overall, "Shibumi" is considered a unique blend of spy thriller, literary novel, and philosophical exploration. It has been described as a hilarious spoof, a complex cipher, and one of the most intellectually engaging novels, making it a must-read for those who appreciate depth and intricacy in their literature.